Inscription TL 75
It is on a rock-cut tomb on the northern slope of the acropolis hill.
Transliteration (Christiansen, 2020):
1 ebẽñnẽ: xupã: m=ẽnẹ p̣ṛñnawatẽ tettṃ̃p̣e:
2 hñtihãmah: tid[ei]mi s=ene ñte: tãti tdi
3 iṣbazi: me=ije: ni hr[ppi] tãtu: tike: m̃mẽ: ladã: ti=(i)je
4 [h]ṛ[pp]i: l?a[ti?] hṛppi[=(i)je me=]i: tadi: tịke: kbi[:?] m=ẽne
5 tụḅidi: q̣[l]a[(j)]=eḅị [s]e malija: se ta[sa?]: miñtaha
Translation (Christiansen, 2020):
This tomb has built Tettm̃pe, the ch[i]ld of Hñtihãma. And they should not place anyone else except for the wife, whom(?) he will allow(?) therein in addition(?). [(If)] one places anyone else [therein] on top, then thi[s] q[l]a will strike him – and Malija –and the oa[ths?] of the miñti (sworn by her).
Inscription TL 76
It is on a monumental rock-cut tomb near Tyberissos.
Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 e[b………….]ẽ:.[…………]ladã: se: tideimis: se xah-b[as
2 [……..]ati: tide[i]m[….]ada xuraz[….]xlatẽ: se
3 el[………]p[………………]: umredeh[…….]ni: se xabad-
4 ranas se suti […………………-]
5 di tike: m=ene [m]alija q[a………..]as s-
6 e hu[
An exact translation is not possible since the inscription is highly damaged. It seems like the inscription starts with a classical Lycian grave sentence (This tomb was built by … , child of …, for his wife and child and grandchild) and ends with a curse/punishment formula that includes the name of the goddess Malija also mentioned in TL 75.
Christiansen, B. 2020. ‘Grave Matters. Legal Provisions for a Proper Final Rest in Classical Lycia’, in Das Xanthostal Lykiens in archaisch-klassischer Zeit, ed. M. Zimmermann, 166-261.
Kalinka, E. 1901. Tituli Asiae Minoris, Vol.1, Vindobonae.
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at
Image Sources:
E. Kalinka, 1901
B. Christiansen, 2020
Bora Bilgin, 2022
Tayfun Bilgin, 2022