Inscription TL 54
There are two inscriptions: TL 54a is on the upper crossbeam of a rock-cut tomb near the Bull relief in the acropolis. TL 54b is above a niche next to the rock-cut tomb.
TL 54a:
Transliteration (Christiansen, 2019):
ẽ..a=j=adẽ: xuḍalijẽ: ạḅụṛuwẹ̃teh◊: zzim[a]zạ: muṛạ̃ẓạ[h◊:] tideimi
Translation (Christiansen, 2019):
The ẽ..a made Xudalijẽ, the zzimaza of Aburuwẽte, son of Murãza.
Transliteration (Christiansen, 2019):
1 tukedri: ebeḥẽ: mẹ x̣udalijẽ: abuṛ[u-]
2 wẽtẹh◊: zzimaza: murãzah◊: tiḍ[eimi]
3 ñ..[.]i eb[ẽ]hm̃ mẹ uwa: xudalijeh◊: ep̣ḍ[…]
4 ẉụq̣q̣ṃeñn[e]ḥ[◊?] tideimi
Translation (Christiansen, 2019):
The statues of these (are/represent) Xudalijẽ, the zzimaza of Abur[u]wẽte, so[n] of Murãza, the … of these. And Uwa(?), … of Xudalije, son of Wuqqmeñne(??)
Inscription N 303
It is on two joining pieces of stone found in the acropolis, which are thought to have been a part of a Lycian rock-cut tomb.
Transliteration (Schürr, 2017):
1 ebeija arawazija me=ti [
2 arñnas xtt[.]ahe prñn[ezijehi
3 ah n
Translation (translated from Schürr, 2017):
This arawazija now [built … (of …’s child?)], the Xanthier, the house[mate?] of Xtt[?]a … …
Inscription N 310
It is on the middle crossbeam of a rock-cut tomb at the southeast of the Phellos acropolis.
Transliteration (Schürr, 2017):
1 ebẽñnẽ: xup[ã: m’]-ẽne:prñnawatẽ
2 xlasitiḷi: mag̣abatah: tideimi
3 xali: qehñnite-ti: ebẽñnẽ:
4 ẽn[ẽ]: arppaxuhe: xñt[aw]ata
Translation (translated from Schürr, 2017):
This tomb was built by Xlasitini, son of Magabata, who xali…-ed this under the rule of Arppaxu.
Christiansen, B. 2019. ‘Editions of Lycian Inscriptions not Included in Melchert’s Corpus from 2001’, in Luwic dialects and Anatolian. Inheritance and diffusion., eds. I. X. Adiego et al., 65-134.
Neumann, G. 1979. ‘Neufunde lykischer Inschriften seit 1901’, ÖAW Phil.-Hist. Kl. Denkschriften 135, Ergänzungsbände zu den TAM 7, Wien.
Schürr, D. 2017-2018. (Preprint) ‘Zu den lykischen Inschriften von Phellos’, unpublished manuscript, ( 2017, illustriert 2018).
Tritsch, F. J. & A. Dönmez. 1953. ‘Finding A Colossal Head of Apollo, and Other Discoveries in the Ancient Cities of Lycia’, Illustrated London News 21st March, 448-450.
Image Sources:
F. J. Tritsch & A. Dönmez, 1953
G. Neumann, 1979
D. Schürr, 2017-2018
B. Christiansen, 2019, 2020
Tayfun Bilgin, 2022
Bora Bilgin, 2023
Reha Özer, 2023