Lycian Inscriptions of Kandyba

Inscription TL 81

It is on a rock-cut tomb at the easternmost end of the acropolis hill slopes.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽñnẽ: m=ene prñnawatẽ: xurijãna
2 hrppi ladi: ehbi se tideime

This tomb has built by Xurijãna for his wife and children.

Inscription TL 82

It is on a rock-cut tomb south of the acropolis hill.

Transliteration (Borchhardt et al., 2005):
[…]uhube: kerθθis [h?]abudah tideimi pertinah tuhes

Translation (translated from Borchhardt et al., 2005):
[…]uhube from Kerththi, son of Habuda/Abuda, nephew of Pertina


Borchhardt, J., H. Eichner & K. Schulz. 2005. KERTHTHI oder der Versuch, eine antike Siedlung der Klassik in Zentrallykien zu identifizieren, Adalya Supp. Series 3, Antalya.
Kalinka, E. 1901. Tituli Asiae Minoris, Vol.1, Vindobonae.
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at

Image Sources:
E. Kalinka, 1901
J. Borchhardt et al., 2005
Tayfun Bilgin, 2022