Lycian Inscription of Simena

Inscription TL 68

It is on a rock-cut tomb to the west of the castle.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽñnẽ: xupã: m=ẽ=ti: prñnawatẽ: arm̃palitxa [..]xuh
2 tide<i>mi: hrppi ladi: ehbi: se tideime

Arm̃palitxa, child of [..]xuh, built this tomb for his wife and children.

Kalinka, E. 1901. Tituli Asiae Minoris, Vol.1, Vindobonae.
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at

Image Sources:
E. Kalinka, 1901