Inscription TL 74
It is on a rock-cut tomb so-called Hoyran Tomb (Tomb of the Son of Ta). There are four separate inscriptions (TL 74a, 74b, 74c, and 74d) on the facade of the monumental tomb.
Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
TL 74a:
1 ebẽñnẽ [……………….]
2 tideim[i…………………..]
3 tibe=ije: k[bi tike…………]
4 tubidi: e[…………………]
TL 74b
1 [……..]e ladi [……]e[….]e partt[……]
2 [………..]ha: tr[.]u[.]uwe[..]hi: wassa[………]
3 […………………….]le kume[………..]
TL 74c
1 [.]dabehẽ : me=i : ẽ[.]ṇ̃enẽni: ehbi
2 [.]dawetẽ : tahe : tideimi :
3 se trbbulehe : tuhẽi :
4 se lada : se=tideimi :
5 se xahba : ẽkuwe :
TL 74d
1 ebẽi : me[.]
2 [.]keriwa : ssaha
An exact translation is not possible since the inscriptions are highly worn out. Borchhardt suggests that TL 74a should be a classical Lycian grave inscription (This tomb was built by …, child of …, for his wife and children) followed by a curse/punishment formula. The inscription TL 74b may be a provision requiring the performance of a sacred act (single or repeated) at the graveside. TL 74c and TL 74d written next to the reliefs may describe individuals or groups of figures in the relief scenes. The tomb owner’s name cannot be read, but according to TL 74c, he is a descendant of Ta.
Borchhardt, J., G. Neumann & K. Schulz. 1984. Das Grabmal des Sohnes des Ta aus Hoyran in Zentrallykien, ÖJh. 55, 68–131.
Kalinka, E. 1901. Tituli Asiae Minoris, Vol.1, Vindobonae.
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at
Image Sources:
E. Kalinka, 1901
J. Borchhardt et al., 1984
Reha Özer, 2023