Lycian Inscription of Dereağzı

Inscription TL 80

It is on a rock-cut tomb next to the road at the eastern slope of the acropolis hill in Dereağzı.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽñnẽ: xupã: m=ene prñnawatẽ xakbija hrppi ladi ehbi se tide[i]-
2 me: se=i=ni ñtepi tãtu tike ne=de xuwati=ti ne me=i m=ene
3 [trq]as tubidi se malija hrixuwama

Translation (based on Christiansen, 2009):
This tomb has built by Xakbija for his wife and children, and anyone who put/place someone else will be punished by Trqqas (Storm God) and Malija the overseer(?).

Christiansen, B. 2009. ‘Typen von Sanktionsformeln in den lykischen Grabinschriften und ihre Funktionen’, Die Sprache 48, 44-54.
Kalinka, E. 1901. Tituli Asiae Minoris, Vol.1, Vindobonae.
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at

Image Sources:
E. Kalinka, 1901
Bora Bilgin, 2022
Reha Özer, 2022