Inscription TL 78
It is on a sarchophagus on the west of Tuse.
Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽñnẽ: tezi: m=ene: prñnawatẽ: xuprija
2 se=i=ne=(e)pñne: ijetẽ: esedeñnewe: maxa[h]
3 se=i=ti sijeni: purihimeiqa: uwatiseh:
4 nẽni: se=i=ne=(e)pñn=[i]jetẽ: esedeñnewe: maxah
5 se=i=pñ=pudẽ: idãxre: maxah: xahbu: xili
This tomb (sarchophagus) has built by Xuprija and aquired to progeny of Maxah …
Inscription TL 79
It is on a rock-cut tomb on the east of Tuse. Only one letter of the inscription is visible on the crossbeam. There is also a relief depicting a combat scene on the tomb.
Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
Inscription N 328
It is on a corner fragment of a stone, possibly belonging to a stele. There are two Lycian texts (N 328a and N 328b) on two adjacent faces.
Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
N 328a:
1 ].um
2 ti]jẽi: (
3 ]me=ñne
4 ]eite: k
5 ]ma:
N 328b:
1 e: e.[
2 eti-ti [
3 wezid[
4 hi: me [
5 t]-ijẽi: s[
6 ].i: we u[
7 ]ejẽ [
Kalinka, E. 1901. Tituli Asiae Minoris, Vol.1, Vindobonae.
Hülden, O. 2006. Gräber und Grabtypen im Bergland von Yavu (Zentrallykien): Studien zur antiken Grabkultur in Lykien, Teil I, Habelt, Bonn.
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at
Neumann, G. 1995. ‘Zwei lykische Inschriften aus Tüse’, in Lykische Studien 2 (Asia Minor Studien 18), ed. F. Kolb, Bonn, 179-182
Seyer, M. 2019. ‘Some Terms for Funerary Monuments of Lycia in the Classical Period 1: Sarcophagi’, in Luwic dialects and Anatolica, BMO vol.12, eds. I.X. Adiego et al., 251-284, Barcelona.
Image Sources:
E. Kalinka, 1901
G. Neumann, 1995
O. Hülden, 2006
M. Seyer, 2019