Lycian Inscriptions of Pinara

Inscription TL 9 in Kirme

On a rock-cut tomb by the road on the west of Pinara, near Kirme village.

Transliteration (Christiansen, 2020):
1 ebẽñnẽ: prñnawã: m=ene: p̣[r]ñna-
2 waṭẽ ẉẹsẹpije ala{la}dạhali

Translation (Christiansen, 2020):
This building has built Wesepije for (the purpose of) the allocation(?) [… ada(?)].

Inscription TL 10

On a rock-cut tomb on the east side of the lower acropolis.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
pttlezẽi: sb[i]kazah: tideimi

Pttlezẽi, the child of Sbikaza.

Inscription TL 11

On the east side of a big hyposorion sarcophagus of Ddapssm̃ma located to the west of the ancient theater.

Transliteration (Christiansen, 2010):
1 ebẽñnẽ[:?] prñnawã:? m=ẽ=ti prñnawatẽ: ddapssm̃ma: padrm̃mah: tid[eimi]
2 hrppi prñnezi: ehbi: urebillaha: trm̃misñ: xñtewete ter[i]
3 arttum̃para: s=ẽ=t=alahhãti: miñti: adai: O –

Translation (Christiansen, 2010):
This building has built Ddapssm̃ma, [the ch]ild of Padrm̃ma, for his household member Urebillaha. When Arttum̃para ruled Lycia. And the miñti shall assign(?) him(?)(i.e. Urebillaha) (to the tomb) for a sum of O – ada.

Inscription TL 12

On a rock-cut tomb on the east side of the lower acropolis, in the Creek Necropolis of Pinara.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽ[ñ]nẽ: xupã: m=ene=prñnewãtẽ
2 slm̃mewe: pñnuteh: tideimi: se=huwetẽne

Slm̃mewe, the child of Pñnuteh and Huwetẽne, has built this tomb.

Inscription TL 13

According to Fellows, it was on a rock-cut tomb. Its location is unknown.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽñnẽ: xupã: m=ene=
2 prñnawetẽ: pddãxñta
3 xzzubezeh: tideimi
4 hrppi ladi: ehbi se=tide-
5 ime{n}ehbije

Pddãxñta, the child of Xzzubeze, has built this tomb for his wife and children.

Inscription TL 14

On a rock-cut tomb in the southern necropolis.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽñni: prñnawã m=ene:
2 prñnawatẽ: ahamãsi huniplah:
3 tideimi hrppi [l]adi ehbi se=tideime

Ahamãsi, the child of Hunipla has built this tomb, for his wife and children.

Inscription TL 15

On a rock-cut tomb in the southern necropolis.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽñnẽ prñnaw[ã m=…] prñnawatẽ:
2 pddaxñta xebe[….]h tideimi:
3 hrppi ladi ehbi [se ti]deime:

Pddaxñta, the child of Xebe[…], has built this tomb for his wife and children.

Inscription TL 16

On a rock-cut tomb in the southern necropolis.

Transliteration (Christiansen, 2020):
1 ebẽ[ñ]nẽ: xupã: m=ẽ=ti prñn[a]watẽ wazala:? eppleme[h?/:?] ti[deimi]
2 ḥṛp̣p̣i laḍi: ehbi: ṣẹ:? tịḍeime: aladahali: awasi: ada ỊỊ –̣

Transliteration (Christiansen, 2020):
This tomb has built Wazala, the child of Eppleme for his wife and the children. For the allocation(?) (and) for the interment(?) II– ada.

Inscription TL 17

On a rock-cut tomb on the southeastern slope of the Creek Necropolis.

Transliteration (Christiansen, 2020):
1 ebẽñnẹ̃ xupạ̃: m=ẽ=ti: pr[ñn]ạwa[t]ẹ̃ [… …]
2 emi hrppi: ladi ehbi: [se t]id[e]ime alad[ah]ali
3 awaha{r?/a?}i [… …] .? [a]da I

Translation (Christiansen, 2020):
This tomb has built […]emi for his wife and the children. For the allocation(?), (namely/and) for the one who lets down/inters(?) [……..] |? ada.

Inscription TL 18

On a rock-cut tomb at the south of acropolis.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽñ[nẽ] xup[ã m=en]e [pr]ñn[a]watẽ pri[?]
2 se=i epñ lẽ[t]ẽ i?hix[.]i xahb{?}a? ehbi

Pri[…] has built this tomb and beside him they allowed Ihix[.]i, his grandchild.

Inscription TL 19

On a rock-cut tomb in the Creek Necropolis.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽ{:}ñnẽ: prñnawã m=ẽ=ti prñnawatẽ
2 xisterija xzzbãseh tideimi
3 hrppi: ladi ehbi se tideime

Xisterija, the child of Xzzbãse, has built this tomb for his wife and children.

Inscription TL 20

On a rock-cut tomb in southern necropolis.

Transliteration (Christiansen, 2020):
1 [… …]: se..itẽ
2 [… …]ẉẹṭ?i:? awahaị
3 vacat ạḷạḍạḥạḷị: x̣ụpa
4 vacat ẹḅẹḥi: ada II

Translation (Christiansen, 2020):
[……]: … [……]has inscribed(?). For the one who lets down/inters(?), and for the assignment(?) to this tomb II ada.

Inscription TL 21

On a rock-cut tomb in the Creek Necropolis. The inscription may not be completed. Only the lower 4 lines are visible. The upper (possibly 4) lines are either not carved or just painted and later disappeared. The line drawings are still visible.

Transliteration (Eichner, 2007):
[1] [ebẽñnẽ : prñnawã]
[2] [mene : prñnawa]
[3] [tẽ:—– : —–]
[4] [tideimi: —–]
5 ?imeh: tedi: ese
6 ijeri: tlawa dde-
7 wite:m=ede=d prñ-
8 nawã:prñnawã

Translation (translated from Eichner, 2007):
[This tomb was built by …, the child of …, .]imi’s father. He came here from Tlos and made grave after grave.

Inscription N 322

On a rock tomb that collapsed and rolled down the slope in the southern necropolis.

Transliteration (Christiansen, 2020):
1 ẹbẽñnẽ: xupạ̃: m=ẽne: prñnawạ[t]ẽ [.]ạzzạ̃ṃạ
2 p̣?ẽṃudijah: tideimi: qelehi: kumaza
3 [hrp]pi: ladi: se=ṭịḍẹịṃẹ: ạḷadahali:
4 ada II –

Translation (Christiansen, 2020):
This tomb has built [.]azzãma, the child of Pẽmudija?, the offering priest of (the grain god) Qeli, for the wife and the children. For the allocation(?) II – ada.

Inscription N 336

On a rock-cut tomb at the southeast of the hill necropolis, directly below the castle plateau.

Transliteration (Christiansen, 2019):
1 ebẽñni: x[upa m=e]ne prñnatã:
2 eseuwesa sp … …: hrppi:
3 … …: hri tãtu ti-
4 ke kbi: … … easa: tike: mah-
5 ãna:
6 ar[… …]

Translation (Christiansen, 2019):
This t[omb] has built?! Eseuwesa(?) … for … And they should not place anyone else on top (or: in addition). … anyone/anything for the gods …

Christiansen, B. 2019. ‘Editions of Lycian Inscriptions not Included in Melchert’s Corpus from 2001’, in Luwic dialects and Anatolian. Inheritance and diffusion, eds. I. X. Adiego et al., 65-134.
Christiansen, B. 2020. ‘Grave Matters. Legal Provisions for a Proper Final Rest in Classical Lycia’, in Das Xanthostal Lykiens in archaisch-klassischer Zeit, ed. M. Zimmermann, 166-261.
Eichner, H. 2007. ‘»Und machte Grab um Grab«: Zur Interpretation der lykischen Inschrift TL 21 in Pinara’, in Studien in Lykien Heft 8, ed. M. Seyer, 103–108.
Kalinka, E. 1901. Tituli Asiae Minoris, Vol.1, Vindobonae.
Kogler, L. & M. Seyer. 2007. ‘Ein neu entdecktes Felsgrab mit lykischer Inschrift in Pinara.’, in Studien in Lykien (Ergänzungshefte zu den Jahresheften des ÖAI 8), ed. M. Seyer, 109-121.
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at

Image Sources:
E. Kalinka, 1901
H. Eichner, 2007
L. Kogler & M. Seyer, 2007
B. Christiansen, 2020
Tayfun Bilgin, 2022
Ertuğrul Anıl, 2024
Bora Bilgin, 2022, 2024