Inscription N 302
The inscription was written on a large stone used as spolia on the wall of a house in Kumluca, near Korydalla. The right side of the original inscription is missing since half of the stone is broken. It is a grave inscription. The first line is in Greek, and the other 4 lines are in Lycian. All the lines are written in Stoichedon (all the letters are aligned both vertically and horizontally).
Transliteration (Neumann, 1979 and Melchert, 2001):
2 ssepij̣e: maḥanepi[jemihe: tideimi: me=]
3 ti: prñnawatẽ: araw[azija: ebeija: hr-]
4 ppi: atli: eḥbi: se=l[adi: ehbi: …..: se]
5 tideimi: ehḅị: taḥ[i: se=xahba: ehbije]
Lycian lines: Ssepije [son of] Mahanepi[jemi], built this tomb for himself, for his w[ife …], for his son Tah[i and for his grandchildren].
Translation of Greek line: Sapia, son of Manapimos, […]
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at
Neumann, G. 1979. Neufunde lykischer Inschriften seit 1901, (Denkschr. ÖAW, phil.-hist. Kl. 135), Wien.
Tritsch, F. J. 1976. ‘The Lycian Bilingual in Stoichedon from Korydalla’, Kadmos 25, 154-167.
Image Sources:
F. J. Tritsch, 1948
G. Neumann, 1979