Lycian Inscriptions of Korba

Inscription TL 73

The single-line Lycian inscription is on a rock-cut tomb buried almost up to the upper crossbeam in Korba. There is also a 7-line Greek inscription.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
ebẽñnẽ: prñnawã: m=ẽne: prñnawatẽ: xudrehila: hrppi ladi: ehbi:

This building/tomb has built by Xudrehila for his wife.

Insription N 332

It is inscribed on the narrow side of a rock-carved sarcophagus with an ogival-shaped lid.

Transliteration (Christiansen, 2019):
1 [e]bẽñnẽ: tṭ.zi: m=ene ñte tuwet[e]
2 ẹwe..xaj̣ hrppi=je=me=i ttadi tike: mej=
3 eti: tubidi: ebuθis: se mahãi: lãtãi se heledi

Translation (Christiansen, 2019):
This sarcophagus has set up Ewe… (If someone) places someone in addition/on top then the father(?) Ebuθis will strike him – and the gods of the dead(?) and (of) heledi.


Büyükyörük, F. 2014. ‘Korba Antik Yerleşimi Kurtarma Kazısı’, ANMED, 272-276.
Christiansen, B. 2019. ‘Editions of Lycian Inscriptions not Included in Melchert’s Corpus from 2001’, in Luwic dialects and Anatolian. Inheritance and diffusion., eds. I. X. Adiego et al., 65-134.
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at
Neumann, G. 2000. ‘Neue lykische Texte vom Avşar Tepesi und aus Korba’, in Lykische Studien 5 (Asia Minor Studien 41), ed. F. Kolb, Bonn, 183– 185.

Image Sources:
G. Neumann, 2000
F. Büyükyörük, 2014