Lycian Inscriptions of Kadyanda

Inscription TL 31

On the upper cross-beam of a rock-cut tomb at the northern necropolis of Kadyanda.

Transliteration (Christiansen, 2020):
1 upazi=j=ẽne: prñnawate
2 hrppi: prñnezi: ehbi
3 se=ije: ñta tãtẽ:
4 tasa: miñta: meleime
5 se=j̣=aladahali:
6 ada: III –

Upazi has built it for his household. And they have established oaths/sworn agreements of/with the miñti for the approved ones(?) and for the allocation(?) III – ada.

The Inscription TL 32

It consists of short name inscriptions (Lycian and Greek) written next to the figures of reliefs decorating the monumental tomb of Salas.

The Inscription TL 33

On the northern face of the monumental tomb of Uzebeẽmi (or Uzeblẽmi) in the northern necropolis of Kadyanda.

(Borchhardt & Neumann, 1968):
1 uzebẹẽmi
2 p̣rñnawatẹ̃[
3 ṛñṇp[w.]ebẽ[ñ-
4 .]ẽ[.]tụ[
5 (illegible)

(Melchert, 2001):
1 uzeblẽmi
2 prñnawatẽ
3 rñsp[. ]ebẽñ-
4 nẽ t[…..]
5 .]ñ……

Uzebeẽmi(or Uzeblẽmi) built this tomb …

The Inscription TL 34

It is on a pillar tomb near Yeşilüzümlü village. The pillar was collapsed until the restoration was done in 2024. The inscription on the north face of the pillar is highly damaged.

Transliteration (Line 1-2: reconstruction of Schürr, 2021, Line 4-5: Melchert, 2001):
1 [e]b[eija]i/w[..]d[.]alaha: tuwa-
2 [x]a tijeṭe..[.z]ẓ[a]la: sseweh
3 t[i]deimi [………]a
4 l[…]azi[…….]ã: zzad[ ]
5 xi[..]i.[r…]a

Translation (Line 1-3 – Schürr, 2021):
I built this … to ala- … Zzala, the son of Ssewe- … …

The Inscription TL 35

The block was built into the staircase in the mosque, where it was seen by Heberdey in the late nineteenth century. Since then it has not been seen and accepted as lost.

Transliteration (Line 1-3: Schürr, 2021, and Line 4-21: Melchert, 2001):
1 |||| uhi xñtawati pttule
2 parttu laj[.]mi mñteteh
3 pijetẽ-[t]eri tla[..]uteriz
4 se mla ehbi el[…]l[..]tenah
5 tupazalije r[.]i[……..]
6 se(j)=elihala[..]z[…….]
7 […]ib[.]hrã[.]u[..]z[…..]s[..
8 .]jezze km̃mẽ[………. ]
9 ese hrppi l[…….]t[…-
10 ahi hrm̃muwe […..]l[.]b[..-
11 du ẽti h[………]za
12 punamuwe [……]asepl[…]
13 .]ikuwaza t[…..]ahe q[.]p[.
14 uwe se kbi parttalã xzuna si-
15 di ddali[d]i se tamas xñtatas
16 se kbi parttalã azise ikuwaz[.
17 dderlidi se tamas xñta asid-
18 i zalaha esitm̃mãta xzzuna se t[e]
19 xadawãtihe [..]erezi arsez[..]
20 pñneit[…………….]
21 [………………….]

Translation (of the first 3 lines – translated from Schürr, 2021):
King Pttule had four years, as the parttu Laj[.]mi, the Mñteti (son), gave …

Başgelen, N. (ed.) 2005. Lycian Journal 1892 – Ernst Krickl, Archaeology and Art Publication, İstanbul.
Borchhardt, J. & Neumann, G. 1968. ‘Dynastische Grabanlagen von Kadyanda’. AA 174-238.
Christiansen, B. 2020. ‘Grave Matters. Legal Provisions for a Proper Final Rest in Classical Lycia’, in Das Xanthostal Lykiens in archaisch-klassischer Zeit, ed. M. Zimmermann, 166-261.
Fellows, C. 1841. An Account of Discoveries of Lycia: Being a Journal Kept During a Second Excursion in Asia Minor, London.
Kalinka, E. 1901. Tituli Asiae Minoris, Vol.1, Vindobonae.
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at
Schürr, D. 2021. ‘Überlegungen zu lykischen Inschriften bei Kadyanda’, HAR 2, 173-182.

Image Sources:
British Museum
E. Kalinka, 1901
J. Borchhardt & G. Neumann, 1968
N. Başgelen, 2005
B. Christiansen, 2020
Tayfun Bilgin, 2022
Bora Bilgin, 2024