Lycian Inscriptions of Isinda

Inscription TL 62

It is on a rock-cut tomb near Isinda, on the road to Belenli village.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 unuwẽmi ti prñnawate
2 purihimrbbeseh tideimi
3 hrppi: ladi se tideime

Unuwẽmi, child of Purihimrbbeseh, built (this) for (his) wife and children.

Inscription TL 63

It is on the heroon at the acropolis, above the gate of hyposorion.

Transliteration (Schürr, 2001):
1 [..]maxut[.]wị[:]prnnawate:[.]rpeseh:
2 [ñta]tã :atli:seladi:sẹṭideime.

..maxut[.]wi, (child of?) [.]rpese, built (this) burial chamber (for) himself and (his) wife and children.

Inscription TL 64

It is on a rock-cut tomb at the south end of the acropolis, near the heroon.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 [……. pr]ñnawã: .[…………]
2 [………….ẽnẽ xñtaw]at[a]: mizrppatahe:

… tomb/building … … under the rule of Mizrppata (Mithrapata).

Inscription TL 65

It is a Lycian-Greek bilingual inscription on a stone block in the acropolis.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 […………………………]
2 [……….]h[…………..]d[.
3 [..]il[….]it[..]tuwete: uwe[..]e[….]i:
4 ije[…..]in[.]it[…..]tase: se=ñn[……
5 [….]rp.: [..]t[.]ha:[.]ezatadru: d[….
6 […]uppa..: se hublehi: se[..]ti: a: de[..
7 [.]ãnãi: se tm̃peri: se: pttuh[.]:a itehi: dd-
8 [..]u[…]rbbahe ti=(i)je: pttule: teli xe[.
9 ..]i: [.]i[…]i….: itazi=ti: adai: k[..
10 ….]s[…]me[.]ne: a: itazi: me[.]eli[..
11 ………]mi=tisñ: trbbeli:
12 ….]e[…..]kumezeini: teteri:
13 …… tuw[..]i: [..]xezixene: uw[.]di:
14 …..]edi: u[.]aziti: up[.]e[…]i: […]mi: m[.
15 ….]e[..]iti: se uhe: xezixahe: teteri
16 …….]ara: mla: kebeija: iti: urubi: wa[
17 ……..]esehi: za: astti: xezixa: se
18 ……]e [.]eteiti: m̃mẽti: teteri: iz[
19 ….]t..: ẽ: trqqñti: se [q]la(j)=ebi: ddewe-
20 [zehi] se trm̃milije: [.]uwe[.]ile: xezixahe
21 …….:ẽ : kumeze{:}iti: teteri: isñt[a]
22 ……]rekm̃ma: tahñ: ne=we=me=i: kumaza
23 ……]se pihesi: me=i ne httemi: tr[..
24 ……: se qlahi: ebijehi: ddewezehi
25 …..]sehi: trm̃mili esehi

Inscription TL 77

It is on a stand-alone Lycian rock-cut tomb near Isinda, in an area called Çindam.

Transliteration (Melchert, 2001):
1 ebẽñnẽ: prñnawã m=e=ti prñnaw-
2 atẽ:ñturigaxã: θãi tideimi ẽnẽ: arpp{p}axuhe:
3 hrppi: ladi: ehbi: se tideime: ehbije xñtawata:

Translation (Seyer, 2004):
This building, now who built it (that is) Ñturigaxã, the son of Ta, for his wife and his children under the rule of Arppaxu.

Kalinka, E. 1901. Tituli Asiae Minoris, Vol.1, Vindobonae.
Melchert, H. C. 2001. LycianCorpus.pdf at
Seyer, M. 2004. ‘Ein Bemerkenswerter Bau in Zentrallykien – Überlegungen Zu Dem Grabmal Des Ñθurigaχã in Çindam’, ÖJh 73, 221-236.
Seyer, M. 2019. ‘Some Terms for Funerary Monuments of Lycia in the Classical Period 1: Sarcophagi’, in Luwic dialects and Anatolica, BMO vol.12, eds. I.X. Adiego et al., 251-284, Barcelona.
Schürr, D. 2001. ‘Bemerkungen zu Lesung und Verständnis einiger lykischer Inschriften’, Kadmos 40, 127–154.

Image Sources:
E. Kalinka, 1901
M. Seyer, 2004, 2019
Tayfun Bilgin, 2022