Inscription N 306
It is on a standalone rock-cut tomb near the Çağman village, about 20 km north of Myra.
Transliteration (Christiansen, 2020):
1 ebẽñ[n]ẽ: prñnaw[ã]: m=ẽ=ti prñnawatẽ: piñteusi: tewinaza: idazzalah: tideimi: hrppi: ladi:
2 ehbi: se=tideime: ehbije: [m]=ene: ñtepi=tãti: hrzzi: prñnawi: piñteusi: se=ladã: ehbi: kbi: tike: me=ñte
3 ne: hri(j)=alahadi: tike: atlahi: tibe=kbijehi: hri=ñte=me=i: alahadi: tike: atlahi: tibe=kbijehi: me=i: mãhãi:
4 httẽm̃ : lãtãi: se=heledi: s=ene=itlehi: qãñti: trm̃mili: huwedri
Translation (Christiansen, 2020):
This building has built Piñteusi, the tewinaza(?), the child of Idazzala for his wife and his children. And they will place Piñteusi and his wife inside the upper building. No one should assign(?) anyone else inside on top – (be it anyone) of the own (family) or one of another (family). (If) one assigns(?) anyone on top – (be it one) of the own (family) or (one) of another (family), then the wrath of the gods of the (realm of the) dead(?) and (of?) heledi(?) will be on him! And all(?) the Lycian itlehi will destroy him!
Neumann, G. 1979. Neufunde lykischer Inschriften seit 1901, (Denkschr. ÖAW, phil.-hist. Kl. 135), Wien.
Christiansen, B. 2020. ‘Grave Matters. Legal Provisions for a Proper Final Rest in Classical Lycia’, in Das Xanthostal Lykiens in archaisch-klassischer Zeit, ed. M. Zimmermann, 166-261.
Image Sources:
M. Seyer, 2019
B. Christiansen, 2020